Results for 'Paul A. Della Gatta'

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  1.  56
    Acute Effects of High-Intensity Aerobic Exercise on Motor Cortical Excitability and Inhibition in Sedentary Adults.Ashlee M. Hendy, Justin W. Andrushko, Paul A. Della Gatta & Wei-Peng Teo - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Transcranial magnetic stimulation studies have demonstrated increased cortical facilitation and reduced inhibition following aerobic exercise, even when examining motor regions separate to the exercised muscle group. These changes in brain physiology following exercise may create favorable conditions for adaptive plasticity and motor learning. One candidate mechanism behind these benefits is the increase in brain-derived neurotropic factor observed following exercise, which can be quantified from a venous blood draw. The aim of this study was to investigate changes in motor cortex excitability (...)
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    Drawn together: When motor representations ground joint actions.Francesco Della Gatta, Francesca Garbarini, Marco Rabuffetti, Luca Viganò, Stephen A. Butterfill & Corrado Sinigaglia - 2017 - Cognition 165 (C):53-60.
    What enables individuals to act together? Recent discoveries suggest that a variety of mechanisms are involved. But something fundamental is yet to be investigated. In joint action, agents represent a collective goal, or so it is often assumed. But how, if at all, are collective goals represented in joint action and how do such representations impact performance? To investigate this question we adapted a bimanual paradigm, the circle-line drawing paradigm, to contrast two agents acting in parallel with two agents performing (...)
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    L’essere-in-sé della prassi-processo: limitazione esterna dell’interiorità e limitazione interna dell’esteriorità.A. Cura Della Redazione - 2019 - Nóema 10.
    Estratto da Jean-Paul Sartre, "Critica della ragione dialettica, Tomo II: L’intelligibilità della storia", trad. it. di F. Cambria, Christian Marinotti Edizioni, Milano 2006, pp. 409-426.Testo nella traduzione italianaTesto originale francese.
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    Da Sarsina a Roma: Richerche Plautine.Paul MacKendrick & Francesco Della Corte - 1954 - American Journal of Philology 75 (4):420.
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    Spaccio della bestia trionfante / Austreibung des triumphierenden Tieres.Paul Richard Blum, Elisabeth Blum & Giordano Bruno - 2009 - Meiner.
    Elisabeth Blum and Paul Richard Blum, both Loyola University Maryland, jointly published: Giordano Bruno: Spaccio della bestia trionfante / Austreibung des triumphierenden Tieres, a translation form the Italian into German with introduction and extensive commentary at Meiner Verlag in Hamburg (Germany) 2009. ISBN: 978-3-7873-1805-6.
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  6. Lettera enciclica Veritatis splendor del sommo pontefice Giovanni Paolo II, a tutti i vescovi della Chiesa Cattolica circa alcune questioni fondamentali dell'insegnamento morale della Chiesa.John Paul (ed.) - 1993 - Città del Vaticano: Tip. vaticana-Editrice L'Osservatore Romano.
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    Giovanni Pico della Mirandola, Über das Seiende und das Eine. De ente et uno.Paul Richard Blum, Gregor Damschen, Dominic Kaegi, Martin Mulsow, Enno Rudolph & Alejandro G. Vigo - 2006 - Hamburg: Meiner.
    This edition of Giovanni Pico della Mirandola’s “De ente et uno” (“On being and the one”) offers for the first time a key text for the reformation of metaphysics in Renaissance philosophy in German translation. The Latin text is added. The detailed introduction and careful commentary reveal the guiding points Pico has set with this work.
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  8. The reason of a believer and philosophy in John Paul II's encyclical'Fides et ratio'.A. Ghisalberti - 1999 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 54 (3):491-496.
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    Reflections on Raphael.Paul Barolsky - 2020 - Arion 28 (2):99-122.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reflections on Raphael PAUL BAROLSKY The essence of all appreciation and analysis of art is the translation of visual perceptions into compelling verbal form. —Ralph Lieberman cultural unity Horace Walpole, Sir Joshua Reynolds, Johann Wolfgang Goethe, Eugène Delacroix, Honoré Balzac, Friedrich Hegel, Charles Baudelaire, Friedrich Nietzsche, Pierre Renoir, Nathaniel Hawthorne, August Wilhelm von Schlegel, Heinrich von Kleist, Franz Grillparzer, Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Ivan Turgenev, Wilhelm Heinrich Wackenroder, George Eliot, (...)
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    Le thomisme et la penssée italienne de la renaissance.Paul J. W. Miller - 1970 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 8 (4):477-478.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:BOOK REVIEWS 477 (p. 32), although some might consider him to have been an important historian of logic. I am not certain that citing Carnap and Heideggar (p. 75) can do much to clarify Vires. When one reads 'Henrique Estienne' and "Hipotiposes pirronicas" (p. 266) in an Italian book he is a bit taken aback and wonders whether the author has done his homework. The writer missed a golden (...)
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    Juan de Valdés: la sua vita e il suo pensiero religioso. Con una completa bibliografia delle opere del Valdés e degli scritti intorno a lui (review).Paul T. Fuhrmann - 1964 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 2 (2):259-260.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:BOOK REVIEWS 259 to the non-Latin reader; instead, it turns out to be a sort of catalogue of opinions on a wide variety of philosophical topics held by many of the thinkers active in the period: between St: Paul and. Marsilius of Padua. But a few facts and figures will, I think, show why' La filosofia medievale is more properly characterized as Liber Sententiarum than Antologia di testi...... (...)
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    La preparazione della Ratio studiorum e l’insegnamento di filosofia di Benet Perera.Paul Gilbert - 2014 - Quaestio 14:3-30.
    The paper aims to provide an updated biography of Benet Perera in the historical background of the early years of the Collegio Romano. As one of the first teachers at the Collegio Romano, Benet Perera played a significant role in the debate on the different drafts of the Constitutiones and the Rationes studiorum of the Jesuit order, often generating criticisms among his colleagues and brothers in the faith. Debating on disciplines and methods of teaching, these discussions involved some crucial topics (...)
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    Documents sur la vie de Jules-César Vanini de Taurisano (review).Paul J. W. Miller - 1971 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 9 (2):249-250.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:BOOK REVIEWS 249 Girolamo Balduino: Ricerche sulla logica della Scuola di Padova nel Rinascimento. By Giovanni Papuli. (Bark Lacerta, Universith di Bari, Pubblicazioni dell'lstituto di filosofia, 12, 1967. Pp. 313. no price.) The philosophers at the University of Padua during the late Middle Ages and Renaissance arc attracting much renewed interest. This study makes accessible again the logical philosophy of Girolamo Balduino, professor at Padua during the second (...)
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    Pensiero post-moderno e religione (Post-modern thought and religion) - DOI: 10.5752/P.2175-5841.2010v8n16p99.Paul Gilbert - 2010 - Horizonte 8 (16):99-116.
    L'articolo mette in evidenza le convergenze e differenze tra religione, pensiero moderno e postmoderno. Tutti i tre appartengono alle culture e le loro storie sociali, però questa convergenza non garantisce l'indentificazione delle loro prospettive. La religione si consente di fare affermazioni di relazione non razionabile, al di là delle condizioni sociali e culturali. Il pensiero, lo stesso se postmoderno, è invece d'ordine ideologico e autoreferenziale, inseparabile di concetti organizzati in una cultura particolare. La postmodernità, che intende liberarsi della prepotenza (...)
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    Giovanni Pico’s warning against pantheistic implications in Ficino’s Neoplatonism.Paul Richard Blum - 2024 - Intellectual History Review 34 (1):49-66.
    The famous controversy between Marsilio Ficino and Giovanni Pico della Mirandola is known to regard the proper use of Platonism in humanist and Christian context. With special attention to Pico’s Commentary on a Canzone, the point of disagreement with Ficino, which is not at all obvious, is examined through a close reading. The result is that Pico sees the temptation of a pantheistic and anthropocentric understanding of the relationship between the human realm and God. Whereas Ficino engaged in making (...)
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  16. Richard Brinkley's "De Insolubilibus": a Preliminary Assessment.Paul Vincent Spade - 1991 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 46 (2):245.
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    Book Review. [REVIEW]Paul Thom - 1989 - History and Philosophy of Logic 10 (1):85-86.
    MEDIEVAL AND RENAISSANCE LOGICALEXANDER BROADIE, Introduction to medieval logic. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1987. vi + l5Opp. £20.00.CHARLES B. SCHMITT, QUENTIN SKINNER, ECKHARD KESSLER, JILL KRAYE, The Cambridge historj. of renaissance philosophj.. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1988, xiii + 968 pp. £5O.OO/$79.jO.GERMAN TRADITIONSSTEPHEN PRIEST, Hegel's critique of Kant. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1987. xii + 229 pp. £22.50.NORBERT HINSKE, Kant 7 Index, Band 2, Stellenindex und Konkordanz zu “Zmmanuel Kant's Logik”. Erstellt in Zusammenarbeit mit Heinrich P. Delfosse und Heinz Schay. Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt: (...)
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  18.  28
    Explaining impossible and possible imaginings of pain.Paul Noordhof - 2021 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia e Psicologia 12 (2):173-182.
    : Jennifer Radden argues that it is impossible to imagine sensuously pain and explains this by noting that pains are sensory qualities for which there is no distinction between appearance and reality. By contrast, I argue that only basic sensuous imaginings of pain from the first person perspective are, with some qualifications, impossible. Non-basic sensuous imaginings of pain from the first person perspective are possible. I explain the extent to which imagining pain is impossible in terms of the conditions required (...)
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  19. Francesco Patrizi in the "Time-Sack": History and Rhetorical Philosophy.Paul Richard Blum - 2000 - Journal of the History of Ideas 61 (1):59-74.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Journal of the History of Ideas 61.1 (2000) 59-74 [Access article in PDF] Francesco Patrizi in the "Time-Sack": History and Rhetorical Philosophy * Paul Richard Blum Contemporary theory of history is much concerned with the narrative structure of history, its nature, and its epistemic status. 1 The problem is not only that sources present events mostly wrapped in narrative language but also that temporality is an inherent feature (...)
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  20. Il perdono può guarire? [Could the forgiveness cure?].Paul Ricoeur - 2004 - la Società Degli Individui 19:5-10.
    Un uso critico della memoria porta a rimettere in questione il pregiudizio che soltanto il futuro sia aperto e il passato invece determinato e chiuso. Il senso di ciò che è accaduto non è fissato una volta per tutte. Il perdono si situa nel punto di convergenza tra lavoro della memoria e lavoro del lutto. Esso è il contrario di un oblio di fuga. Si può perdonare solo ciò che non è stato dimenticato, quello che deve essere spezzato (...)
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  21. Galileo as a 'bad theologian': A formative myth about Galileo's trial.A. M. - 2002 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 33 (4):753-791.
    For 150 years after Galileo's condemnation in 1633, there were many references to the trial, but no sustained, heated or polarized discussions. Then came the thesis that Galileo was condemned not for being a good astronomer but for being a bad theologian (using Scripture to support astronomical hypotheses); it began in 1784-1785 with an apology of the Inquisition by Mallet du Pan in the Mercure de France and the printing in Tiraboschi's Storia della letteratura italiana of an apocryphal letter (...)
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    Stoic and Neoplatonic sources of Spinoza's ethics.Paul Oskar Kristeller - 1984 - History of European Ideas 5 (1):1-15.
    This paper is based on a lecture given at the University of Haifa on 22 March 1982, and at the Institute for Advanced Studies of the Hebrew University, Jerusalem on 28 March 1982. An Italian version of the lecture was published in memory of Giorgio Radetti by the Circolo della Cultura e delle Arti, Trieste in 1981.
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  23.  9
    What is subjectivity?Jean-Paul Sartre - 2016 - New York: Verso. Edited by Michel Kail, Raoul Kirchmayr, Fredric Jameson, David Broder & Trista Selous.
    Jean-Paul Sartre, at the height of his powers, debates with Italy’s leading intellectuals In 1961, the prolific French intellectual Jean-Paul Sartre was invited to give a talk at the Gramsci Institute in Rome. In attendance were some of Italy’s leading Marxist thinkers, such as Enzo Paci, Cesare Luporini, and Galvano Della Volpe, whose contributions to the long and remarkable discussion that followed are collected in this volume, along with the lecture itself. Sartre posed the question “What is (...)
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  24. Paul Goodman, the structure of literature, chicago, the university of chicago press, 1964, pp. 280. L'orizzonte problematico di questa struttura Della letteratura si iden-tificherebbe brevemente operando Una sostituzione di Termini E parlando di struttura Della nostra esperienza letteraria. Per dirla con l'A. Non si. [REVIEW]Valerio Zanone - 1965 - Rivista di Estetica 10:113.
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    Merleau-Ponty’s and Paul Claudel’s Overlapping Expression of Poetic Ontology.Glen A. Mazis - 2019 - Chiasmi International 21:167-185.
    Merleau-Ponty characterizes the poetic or literary use of language as bringing forth of sense as if it is a being that is an interlocutor with its readers. Sense will be explored as interwoven with a deeper imagination that works within the temporality of institution to become more fully manifest. Throughout the essay will be seen the overlap with Claudel’s ontology as expressed in L’Art poetique and Claudel’s approach to language. Why Merleau-Ponty’s articulation of embodiment and perception must culminate in the (...)
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  26.  31
    Girolamo Balduino; Richerche sulla logica della Scuola di Padova nel Rinascimento. [REVIEW]Desmond Paul Henry - 1969 - Philosophical Studies (Dublin) 18:267-268.
    Recent books in English on the history of Logic have tended to concentrate on the formal and semantical aspects of that history, and say little or nothing concerning its inductive aspects. Treatment of the latter has been left to historians of science, such as Duhem, Crombie and Claggett. The present work, however, is a full examination of the doctrines of Balduino, who is presented as the most significant exponent of sixteenth-century Paduan Aristotelianism. This Aristotelianism is part of an Averroistic tradition (...)
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    Amore e obbedienza in filosofia.Roberto Di Ceglie & Paul K. Moser - 2013 - Torino: Lindau.
    Quale atteggiamento deve assumere il cristiano in filosofia? Se la condizione di cristiano è tale da influire sulle modalità della riflessione filosofica, che cosa ne consegue per il rapporto tra la fede e la ricerca della verità? I due autori, entrambi cristiani, hanno approcci diversi al riguardo, sotto il profilo dell’ispirazione intellettuale, degli approfondimenti tematici e dello stile espositivo, ma è comune a entrambi il desiderio di riflettere sull’amore e l’obbedienza come fonti della filosofia del credente. -/- (...)
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  28. Amicizia conoscenza di sé e misura [Friendship, Self-knowledge and Measure].Paul van Tongeren - 2001 - la Società Degli Individui 11.
    L'amicizia, secondo Nietzsche, richiede un tipo particolare di conoscenza di sé: quella che consente di nascondersi e che preserva dall'illusione che gli amici possano essere mai completamente trasparenti gli uni agli altri. Questo tipo di conoscenza di sé genera solitudine, che a sua volta suscita un desiderio di amicizia. Gli amici possono essere onesti tra di loro solo quando si consentono reciprocamente di nascondersi e ciò richiede un senso molto acuto della "misura e della medietà", come quello manifestato (...)
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    Possibility, Necessity, and Existence. [REVIEW]Paul Gottfried - 1994 - Review of Metaphysics 47 (3):627-628.
    Unlike his frequently provocative review essays for Interpretation, Nino Langiulli's study of the Italian philosopher and historian of philosophy Nicola Abbagnano is more celebratory than critical. Abbagnano, who taught at the University of Turin from 1936 until 1973 and who influenced the novelist and semioticist Umberto Eco, acquired international esteem almost entirely for his work as an encyclopedist. Langiulli, who was his student in the early sixties, does not disparage Abbagnano's Dizionario della Filosofia, which he helped to translate. Rather (...)
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  30. Paul Valéry: per un'estetica della composizione.Benedetta Zaccarello - 2012 - Aisthesis: Pratiche, Linguaggi E Saperi Dell’Estetico 5 (1).
    Valéry’s conceptions of mind, literature and even philosophy often stress the importance of an effort against heterogeneity that should be led in the name of what the author himself calls pureté. On the other hand, the theories that Valéry develops about composition - which is intended both as an aesthetic and a theoretical concept - show the importance of complexity in his representation of the esprit and allows to compare Valéry’s descriptions of the self with the way he represents creative (...)
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  31. Paul Alsberg, Das Menschheitsrätsel: critica all'antropologia della carenza e Körperausschaltung (2008).Guido Cusinato - 2008 - FrancoAngeli.
    In questo contributo del 2008 si dimostra, attraverso un confronto con le posizioni di Max Scheler, che Alsberg con il disimpegno corporeo (Körperausschaltung) non mira a esonerare l’organismo (nel senso della Entlastung di Gehlen). Per Alsberg l’evoluzione sociale avviene attraverso utensili, ma l’utensile non si limita a essere un’appendice del corpo, bensì rappresenta una logica estranea a quella del corpo. La Körperausschaltung è il killer del corpo. L’errore di Spencer è quello di non comprendere che un’evoluzione basata su utensili (...)
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    Galileo as a ‘bad theologian’: a formative myth about Galileo’s trial.Maurice A. Finocchiaro - 2002 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 33 (4):753-791.
    For 150 years after Galileo’s condemnation in 1633, there were many references to the trial, but no sustained, heated or polarized discussions. Then came the thesis that Galileo was condemned not for being a good astronomer but for being a bad theologian ; it began in 1784–1785 with an apology of the Inquisition by Mallet du Pan in the Mercure de France and the printing in Tiraboschi’s Storia della letteratura italiana of an apocryphal letter attributed to Galileo but forged (...)
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  33. Le sorti della filosofia. Philosophie und Psychologie di Paul Natorp e il suo ruolo nella disputa sulla psicologia scientifica.Mattia Papa - 2024 - Archivio di Storia Della Cultura 37:477-496.
    The aim of this article is to present Paul Natorp’s position in the debate over the allocation of chairs in philosophy to experimental psychology. Natorp triggered the public controversy within psychology when an experimental psychologist, Eric Jaensch, was awarded the chair of Hermann Cohen in 1912. Natorp published an editorial in the «Frankfurter Zeitung» and in the following year, 1913, submitted a petition for the establishment of new chairs for experimental psychology in Germany. In this way, Natorp hoped to (...)
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    (1 other version)Readings for A history of anthropological theory.Paul A. Erickson & Liam Donat Murphy (eds.) - 2013 - North York, Ontario, Canada: University of Toronto Press.
    This comprehensive anthology offers over 40 readings that are critical to the understanding of anthropological theory and the development of anthropology as an academic discipline. The fourth edition maintains a strong focus on the "four-field" roots of the discipline in North America but has been reorganized with a new section on twenty-first-century theory, including coverage of postcolonial and public anthropology. New key terms and introductions accompany each reading and a revamped glossary makes the book more student-friendly. Used on its own, (...)
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  35. Ethical challenges in psychosurgery : a new start or more of the same?Paul A. Komesaroff & Jeffrey Rosenfeld - 2020 - In Stephen Honeybul (ed.), Ethics in neurosurgical practice. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
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    Cognitive Enhancement as Transformative Experience: The Challenge of Wrapping One’s Mind Around Enhanced Cognition via Neurostimulation.Paul A. Tubig & Eran Klein - 2024 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 33 (4):532-547.
    In this paper, the authors explore the question of whether cognitive enhancement via direct neurostimulation, such as through deep brain stimulation, could be reasonably characterized as a form of transformative experience. This question is inspired by a qualitative study being conducted with people at risk of developing dementia and in intimate relationships with people living with dementia (PLWD). They apply L.A. Paul’s work on transformative experience to the question of cognitive enhancement and explore potential limitations on the kind of (...)
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    “A Vigorous Campaign against Abortion”: Views of American Leaders of Eugenics v. Supreme Court Distortions.Paul A. Lombardo - 2023 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 51 (3):473-479.
    The Supreme Court decided Box v. Planned Parenthood of Indiana and Kentucky in 2019. Justice Clarence Thomas’s opinion in the case claimed there was a direct connection between the legalization of abortion, in the late 20th Century, and the beginnings of the birth control movement a full three quarters of a century earlier. “Many eugenicists,” Thomas argued, “supported legalizing abortion.”Justice Samuel Alito highlighted similar claims in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health, citing a brief entitled “The Eugenic Era Lives on through (...)
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    Will the real scientists please stand up? dead ends and live issues in the explanation of scientific knowledge.Paul A. Roth - 1996 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 27 (1):43-68.
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    Content and Justification: Philosophical Papers.Paul A. Boghossian - 2008 - Oxford University Press.
    This volume presents a series of influential essays by Paul Boghossian on the theory of content and on its relation to the phenomenon of a priori knowledge. The essays are organized under four headings: the nature of content; content and self-knowledge; knowledge, content, and the a priori; and colour concepts.
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    Foreign policy as a goal directed activity.Paul A. Anderson - 1984 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 14 (2):159-181.
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    Craniofacial morphogenesis: a meeting in memory of Peter Thorogood.Paul A. Trainor - 2000 - Bioessays 22 (2):202.
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    A Guide to the Archives and Records of Protestant Christian Missions from the British Isles to China 1796-1914.Paul A. Cohen & L. R. Marchant - 1966 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 86 (4):426.
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    Montesquieu's natural rights constitutionalism.Paul A. Rahe - 2012 - Social Philosophy and Policy 29 (2):51-81.
    Research Articles Paul A. Rahe, Social Philosophy and Policy, FirstView Article.
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  44. (3 other versions)What the externalist can know A Priori.Paul A. Boghossian - 1997 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 97 (2):161-75.
    Compatibilism combines an externalist view of mental content with a doctrine of privileged self‐knowledge. The essay presents a reductio of compatibilism by arguing that if compatibilism were true, we would be in a position to know certain facts about the world a priori, facts that no one can reasonably believe are knowable a priori. Whether this should be taken to cast doubt on externalism or privileged self‐knowledge is not discussed. Consideration is given to the ’empty case’—the case in which a (...)
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    Interaction of rhodopsin with the G‐protein, transducin.Paul A. Hargrave, Heidi E. Hamm & K. P. Hofmann - 1993 - Bioessays 15 (1):43-50.
    Rhodopsin, upon activation by light, transduces the photon signal by activation of the G‐protein, transducin. The well‐studied rhodopsin/transducin system serves as a model for the understanding of signal transduction by the large class of G‐protein‐coupled receptors. The interactive form of rhodopsin, R*, is conformationally similar or identical to rhodopsin's photolysis intermediate Metarhodopsin II (MII). Formation of MII requires deprotonation of rhodopsin's protonated Schiff base which appears to facilitate some opening of the rhodopsin structure. This allows a change in conformation at (...)
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    Hoping in the Face of Evil: A Theological Account.Paul A. Macdonald - 2019 - Heythrop Journal 60 (5):783-794.
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    Acknowledging Animal Rights: A Thomistic Perspective.Paul A. Macdonald - 2021 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 95 (1):95-116.
    In this article, I show how it is possible, working from a Thomistic perspective, to affirm the existence of animal rights. To start, I show how it is possible to ascribe indirect rights to animals—in particular, the indirect right to not be treated cruelly by us. Then, I show how it is possible to ascribe some direct rights to animals using the same reasoning that Aquinas offers in defending the claim that animals have indirect rights. Next, I draw on elements (...)
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    An Ethical Project: The Journal of Bioethical Inquiry After Twenty Years.Paul A. Komesaroff - forthcoming - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry:1-3.
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    The status of content revisited.Paul A. Boghossian - 1990 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 71 (December):264-278.
    This paper argues that Devitt’s arguments in "Transcendentalism About Content" don’t show how to answer the challenge I laid down in "Status Of Content". I proceed as follows. I begin by looking at why I didn’t formulate content eliminativism in the way that Devitt does, and why I did formulate it as the thesis of “content irrealism.” I then show in detail why his criticisms are off-target.
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    Epistemocritique: A Synthetic Matrix.Paul A. Harris - 1993 - Substance 22 (2/3):185.
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